Tile, Tile, Everywhere there's Tile!!!!

Bathroom Reno - Day 7

He got up at 6 am to paint the ceiling. 
Today was exciting as we can really see the bathroom coming together.  Yesterday was a painting marathon as hubby and I tried to get everything painted while the bathroom was empty.  My sweetie got up before 6:00 am to put a coat on the ceiling if the pale aqua paint I picked out.  Unfortunately, it is going to need two coats and Walter was still finishing up the last coat on the walls when the tile installers arrived at 7:15 am.  The tile installer, Bill, worked for 12 hours.  He is letting everything set overnight and will come back in the morning to grout.


Painting Day

Bathroom Reno - Day 6

The walls were sanded and ready to paint.  Only problem is, the tile installers are coming tomorrow and we need to get the walls primed and two coats of paint on before early in the morning.  It will be much easier to paint now before the new floor, tile and fixtures are installed.  Hubby is at work, so I will attempt to put the primer on and get it ready for him.

Walter worked all evening and painted everything twice.  

Bathroom Renovation Update

I posted some new update and photos on the Bathroom Reno Page:  HERE

Bathroom Reno - Day Two

Today was a little rough . . . lots of noise with Scott and Dave breaking up all the tile and concrete on the floor.  
Here is a photo of the dumpster.
Dave breaking up the floor.

 I was surprised and impressed to find that Dave removed and carried out the Ol' Pink Lady all by himself.  What a He-Man!!!   This tub is cast iron and over 50 years old.  I don't think the new one will last that long.

The specs and instruction sheets still on the old tub.

The end of Day Two saw big progress, the bathroom is completely gutted and all cleaned out now. 

The only thing remaining in the room, my arched ceiling alcove tub area.  I really liked this feature and wanted it saved.

Bye Bye!
The renovation of our bathroom has finally started.  Click below or on the Bathroom Reno Page to see my detailed post about Day One.


Rub-a-Dub Tub

The last major decision on the bathroom reno project was made.  Picking out a bathtub.  As with the toilet, this proved to be a bigger decision than we anticipated.  Should we go with cast iron, acrylic, whirlpool, deep soak, etc. etc.  The only thing that was easy was I wanted white!  I did lots of research and that only confused me.  There were many differing opinions; many people love the acrylic and there were certainly more choices in that material.  Others say cast iron was the only way to go.  We had ruled out a whirlpool tub, due to expense and upkeep--just didn't think we would use it enough.  One thing we found out is that the majority of the home improvement stores did not have tubs you could really sit in, except our favorite store Menards, the Sax 5th Avenue of Home Improvement Stores.
Here's hubby trying out the tubs at Menards.
I was just about to order a tub at my local Lowe's store for the convenience of having the contractor pick it up there.  They had a tub that was 18" deep on display.  I tried it out and couldn't get in it very easily.  I am very vertically challenged and thinking of a time when age will be creeping up, I knew I could buy a deeper tub without risking getting hurt.  So, here is the final decision, a 14" deep tub with a soaker drain.

American WhiteTub Model #2390.202.020     

I also found a deep soak drain which puts the overflow hole at the top and gives you a few more inches of soaking room.  Glad that's all settled.  Reno to start this coming week, stay tuned!

Bathroom Update

I've posted a small bathroom update on the Bathroom Reno Tab here.

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly - My Scrapbook Studio

I am totally re-vamping my scrapbook/rubber stamping studio and will be sharing my progress with you.  Here is a "BEFORE" video.  Hopefully, the "AFTER" video with a new completely organized and clean workspace will be publish during my lifetime!  By the way, this is my first ever YouTube video!

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