A place to follow my never ending journey of cleaning, organizing and re-vamping my scrapbook, card making and sewing studio. The journey continues . . .
I've had my ScrapRack by Totally Tiffany for probably 15 years or so. When I first set it up, I only could afford the rack itself and the spinders (the name for the 3 ring binder with velcro) and a few pages. I had tons of Creative Memories sticker holders that fit in their binders. They are very thick and sturdy and double-sided. I sold stickers at that time and these worked out well for years. The 4 Section System never failed me, I could always find what I needed.
Over the years, though, I have expanded my ScrapRack to hold more than just Mrs. Grossman and Creative Memories stickers and have purchased the ScrapRack pages. I am doing the Get Organized Challenge again https://www.totally-tiffany.com/classes/get-organized-challenge/ and I really didn't need to set up my system again, but I did need to clear it out. I have purged tons of duplicate supplies, especially stickers that I had 10 of the same one from when I used to sell them. I am going to a crop this weekend and will hopefully pass many of these on. One added benefit I discovered, is that the Totally Tiffany ScrapRack pages are much thinner than the Creative Memories ones so I have been able to save a ton of space, at least 1/2 inch per spinder which will really add up in the end.
I didn't take a photo of my ScrapRack until I had already started this process but there are the photos with about 6 spinders taken off the rack from the center:
This is one spinder (or section) with the Creative Memories holders:
This section had a ton of the thicker organizing pages:
Check out the difference after weeding out what I no longer wanted and switching to the ScrapRack pages:
I will post a completed re-vamped ScrapRack when I finish. I hope to eliminate one of the expansion pieces and have a shorter ScrapRack, but we'll see. If all goes well, I hope to be finished in about another week. Now, what should I do with all those empty Creative Memories pages? Maybe I'll post on ebay and see if I can re-coup some money that I invested in Totally Tiffany's ScrapRack pages.
I know someone asked for advice on how to store extra ScrapRack pages and supplies, so I took some photos of my system. I use a Spinder Binder and section dividers for each type of page. One big benefit is that I know immediately if I'm running out of a certain type of page or if there are some that I really never use. Hope this will help someone here, let me know if you have any questions.
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